In the movie 'Kramer Kramer, 'Dusty Hoffman's character is so absorbed in his work that he neglects his family, and eventually his wife leaves him without their child. 1979 Academy Award winner, this movie won five Academy Awards, by the way, do you know what the main character does for a living ? The job was an art director at an advertising agency, and now and then, art directors might have been a symbol of busy - ness. I am an art director with 25 years of experience in the industry. I started my own business from an advertising agency, and I still work mainly in advertising, logo design, package design, etc. In my twenties and thirties, I spent a lot of time working. It wasn't until I was over 45 years old that I started creating scripts for Illustrator to make my work more efficient. I started using Adobe Illustrator when I was a student at an art college, and the version at that time was 5.5J. The current version is 25.4.1(as of 2021). During that time, various functions have been added, and it seems like it has become more and more convenient, but to be honest, there are more functions that I don't use very often. In fact, I think that some of these features have slowed down the responsiveness of applications.. And strangely enough, there were parts that never evolved. There were many times when I thought, 'I wish I could do this a little better,' or 'Why can't I do that ? ' So I learned to use scripting to add functions, and I've been accumulating code little by little. I decided to create a script that is easy to use, has useful functions, and can be used by anyone with UI design and multiple functions. This is why I created this website. It is designed to be as easy to use and intuitive as possible for many designers. My favorite copy of the phrase, 'Nightscapes are made of overtime work.' is nowhere near as popular as it used to be. I hope that all creators can go home early and take care of their own time. 2021 / 9 / 24 P1 - be launched on!
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